River Basin District

  1. Introduction
  2. What river basin Districts are?
    1. Considerations
  3. Current situation
  4. Different river basin districts
    1. Intra river basin districts. Master plans and related legislation
    2. River basin districts with inter basins in spanish territory.
    3. River basin districts shared with another countries.
  5. Committee of Competent Authorities
    1. Nature
    2. Composition
    3. Composition: distribution of vowels
    4. Functions
  6. Conclusions
  7. Related leislation
  8. More information


The Water Framework Directiva approved in 2000 creates the concept of River Basin District.

The article 16 bis 5 from "Texto Refundido de la Ley de Aguas", approved by Legislative Royal Decree 1/2001, from 20 of july, entrusted the Goverment the establishment through royal decree, heared the autonomous communities, the territorial field of river basin districts adding, moreover, that this one will be the same in the master water plan.

The precept indicator performs the necessary authorization to complete, within the powers of the General State Administration, the legal regulation for the transposition of the Spanish waters of the river basin concept created by Directive 2000/60 / of the European Parliament and Council of October 23, 2000 in Article 3, by establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy.

Royal Decree 125/2007 of February 2, sets the territorial area of ​​the river basin.

Royal Decree 266/2008, amending the Hydrographic Confederation of North and is divided into the Hydrographic Confederation of Minho-Sil and the Bay of Biscay. Also the Spanish territory of the Miño River Basin Districts and North-Limia, are now called River Basin of Minho-Sil and Cantabrian, respectively. As stated in the Royal Decree, the new title Confederations universal happen to the Hydrographic Confederation of North property, rights and obligations of this in regard to their respective territories. Subsequently, the RD 29/2011 of 14 January, has identified the Western River Basin Bay of Biscay and the Cantabrian Eastern River Basin District and has modified the territorial scope of the Hydrographic Confederation of Biscay.


River basin is defined as land and marine area consisting of one or more neighboring river basins and transitional waters, coastal and groundwater associated with these basins, in accordance with Article 16 of the Revised bis.1 Water Act approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1 / 2001 of 20 July.



In each district shall be considered to fall all groundwater located below the limits of the watershed dividing the corresponding demarcation.

In the case of aquifers shared by several river basins is attributed to each of the aquifer for their respective territories and shall ensure a coordinated between the affected boundaries.

These effects are understood to be shared aquifers defined as such in the National Hydrological Plan.

Coastal and transitional waters

In areas where there are agreed with neighboring states territorial sea limits, the transitional and coastal waters shall be defined by applying the principle of equidistance in the terms provided in Article 4 of Law 10/1977, of January 4, on the territorial Sea.


This is the map of River Basin Districts at December 2010, resulting from the approval of Royal Decree 125/2007 and subsequent amendments and other constraints set out in regional arrangements. The division of the River Basin of western and eastern Cantabrian established in RD 29/2011 does not yet appear reflected. In accordance with the provisions of this Royal Decree, the territorial scope of the Basque Country Basins would be encompassed within the Eastern River Basin District of Biscay. The Demarcation Júcar be considered excluding intra-basin of Valencia and transitional and coastal waters associated with them, pending delimitation.


Fuente: MARM



Intra river basin districts. Master plans and related legislation

  1. River Basin District of Galicia-Costa
  2. River Basin District of Cuenca Fluvial de Cataluña
  3. River Basin District of Cuencas Mediterráneas Andaluzas
  4. River Basin District of Guadalete y Barbate
  5. River Basin District of Tinto, Odiel y Piedras
  6. River Basin District of Islas Baleares
  7. River Basin District of Islas Canarias
    1. El Hierro
    2. Fuerteventura
    3. Gran Canaria
    4. La Gomera
    5. Lanzarote
    6. La Palma
    7. Tenerife

In the case of watersheds entirely within the territory of one region, as is the case of river basins mentioned above, the powers are exercised by it, so water management lies with the Autonomous Hydraulic Administration. Here are the relevant agencies, the management plans of current demarcations and related legislation.

Andalusian Water Agency

Catalan Water Agency

  • Edicte de 16 de marzo de 1999 pel qual es fa públic el text que recull les determinacions de contingut normatiu del Pla hidrològic de les conques internes de Catalunya
  • Decree 188/2010 of 23 November approval of the Management Plan River Basin District of Catalonia.
  • Legislation of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Augas de Galicia

Basque Water Agency

Government of the Balearic

  • Royal Decree 378/2001 of 6 April, approving the Water Plan of the Illes Baleares
  • Legislation

Canary Islands Government

  • Decree 367/1985 of 1 October, provisionally establishing the development of the Regional Water Plan
  • Decree 319/1996 of 23 December, approving the Water Plan Insular de Tenerife
  • Decree 82/1999 of 6 May, approving the Water Plan Insular de Gran Canaria
  • Decree 81/1999 of 6 May, approving the Water Plan Insular de Fuerteventura
  • Decree 167/2001 of 30 July by approving the Water Plan Insular de Lanzarote.
  • Decree 166/2001 of 30 juliom by approving the Water Plan Insular de La Palma
  • Decree 101/2002 of 26 July, approving the Water Plan Insular de La Gomera
  • Decree 102/2002 of 26 July by approving the Water Plan Insular de El Hierro.
  • Legislation in the Canary Islands


Inter river basin districts in spanish territory

  1. Guadalquivir River Basin District
  2. Segura River Basin District
  3. Júcar River Basin District 
  4. Cantábrico Occidental River Basin District: includes the territory of the watersheds of the rivers flowing into the Bay of Biscay from the Eo river basin to basin Barbadun, excluding the latter and interbasin between Brook and the River Sequillo Barbadun and all transitional waters and coastal areas. Coastal waters have the western boundary line with orientation 0 ° which passes through the Punta de Penas Blancas, west of the river Eo, and the limit that the line with orientation 2 that passes through Punta del Covarón on the border between als Autonomous Cantabria and the Basque Country.

River basin districts shared with another countries

The international character is reflected in bilateral agreements with other States:

  • 1964 Convention with Portugal in order to regulate the hydroelectric development of the international section of the Douro River and its tributaries.
  • 1976 Convention with Portugal to regulate the use and international hydraulic sections of the rivers Miño, Limia, Tajo, Guadiana and jokes and its tributaries.
  • Portugal 1998 Convention on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of waters of the Spanish-Portuguese hydrographic basins commonly known as Albufeira Convention, whose last review protocol was signed on April 4, 2008.
  • Administrative Agreement between Spain and France on water management, signed in Touluse the February 15, 2006.
  1. Spanish part of the Miño-Sil River Basin
  2. Spanish part of the Cantabrian Eastern River Basin District: comprises the territory of the watersheds of the rivers flowing into the Bay of Biscay from the basin to the Oiartzun Barbadun, including interbasin between the arryoo La Sequillo and Rio Barbadun and all transitional and coastal waters, and the Spanish territory of the Bidasoa river basins, including its transitional waters, Nive and Nivelle. Coastal waters have the western boundary line of orientation 2 that PSA Punta del Covarón as the eastern boundary of the territorial sea boundary between Spain and France.
  3. Spanish part of the Douro River Basin
  4. Spanish side of the Tagus River Basin
  5. Spanish side of the Guadiana River Basin
  6. Spanish part of the Ebro River Basin
  7. Spanish side of the River Basin Ceuta covers the territory of Ceuta, as well as transitional and coastal waters. Its territory covers an area of ​​19 km2. (Source: Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir)
  8. Spanish side of the River Basin Melilla: covers the territory of Melilla, as well as transitional and coastal waters. It occupies an area of ​​more of 12.3 km2. (Source: Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir)


Article 36 bis of the existence TRLA has, in the case of river basins with inter-basin, a cooperative body called the Committee of Competent Authorities (CCA).

Royal Decree 126/2007 of February 2, regulates the composition, functioning and powers of committees of competent authorities of the river basin with intercommunity basins.


  • The Committee of Competent Authorities (CCA) is created in river basins with intercommunity basins.
  • It aims to ensure proper cooperation in implementing the standards of protection of the waters.
  • Its creation does not affect the ownrship of its powers in matters relating to water managment that apply to different goverment, or that apply to the State Administration arising from international agreements, bilateral or multilateral agreements.


  • The RD 126/2007 develops the provisions of 36 bis of TRLA.
  • The Chairman of the Competent Authorities (CCA) will be the President of the Basin Agency.
  • CAC members will be representatives of the various administrations with responsibility for the use, protection and control of the water: General, Regional and Local.
  • A number of representatives of the Central Government not exceeding the CCAA.
  • A representative of each Autonomous territory of which form all or part of the river basin.
  • A number of representatives of local variables, as the demarcation.

Composition: distribution of vowels

River Basin DistrictGeneral State AdministrationRegional AdministrationsLocal Authorities
GuadalquivirMARM: 1Andalucía, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura y Región de Murcia. Uno por cada Comunidad (4)1
Ministerial Departments: 2
SeguraMARM: 1Andalucía, Castilla-La Mancha, Región de Murcia y Comunidad Valenciana. Un vocal por cada Comunidad. (4)1
Ministerial Departments: 2
JúcarMARM: 1Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha, Región de Murcia, Cataluña y Comunidad Valenciana. Un vocal por cada Comunidad. (5)2
Ministerial Departments: 3
Miño-SilMARM: 1Galicia, Principado de Asturias y Castilla y León. Un vocal por cada Comunidad. (3)1
Ministerial Departments: 1
CantábricoMARM: 1Principado de Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Galicia, Navarra y País Vasco. Un vocal por cada Comunidad. (6)2
Ministerial Departments: 4
DueroMARM: 3Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Galicia, La Rioja, Extremadura y Madrid. Un vocal por cada Comunidad. (7)2
Ministerial Departments: 3
TajoMARM: 1Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Extremadura y Madrid. Un vocal por cada Comunidad. (5)2
Ministerial Departments: 3
GuadianaMARM:1Andalucía, Castilla-La Mancha y Extremadura. Un vocal por cada Comunidad. (3)1
Ministerial Departments: 1
EbroMARM: 4Aragón, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Cataluña, Navarra, La Rioja, Comunidad Valenciana y País Vasco. Un vocal por cada Comunidad. (9)3
Ministerial Departments: 4


  • Promote cooperation in the exercise of powers relating to the protection of waters that hold the layers of government within the respective river basin.
  • Promote the adoption by the competent public authorities in each river of the measures required to comply with the standards of protection of the revised Water Law.
  • To provide the European Union, through the competent organs of the General Administration of State under the current regulations, information on the river basin district required.


  • El proceso de aprobación de los Reales Decretos de delimitación de demarcaciones hidrográficas y del Comité de Autoridades Competentes no ha concluido. Los Consejos del Agua de las demarcaciones con cuencas intercomunitarias no están constituidos.
  • La aprobación de estos Reales Decretos es un paso necesario para dla aprobación de la revisión de los planes hidrológicos de cuencas vigentes, que constituye la culminación del proceso de planificación actualmente en desarrollo.
  • En 2007 y 2008 se han aprobado respectivamente, el Reglamento de Planificación Hidrologica y la Instrucción de Planificación Hidrológica, que regulan el procedimiento de elaboración y los contenidos de los planes hidrológicos de cuenca.


Royal Decree 125/2007, which establishes the territorial area of river basins.

Royal Decree 126/2007 of 2 February, which regulates the composition, functioning and powers of committees of competent authorities of the river basin with intercommunity basins.

Royal Decree 907/2007 of 6 July, which approves the Regulation of Water Planning.

Royal Decree 266/2008 of 22 February, amending the Hydrographic Confederation of North and is divided into the Hydrographic Confederation of Minho-Sil and the Hydrographic Confederation of Biscay

ORDER ARM/2656/2008 of 10 September, approving water planning instruction.

Royal Decree 29/2011 of 14 January, amending Royal Decree 125/2007 of February 2, by fixing the territorial area of river basins, and Royal Decree 650/1987 of May 8, which defines the territorial areas of the River Basin and the river basin.


  1. Galicia-Costa River Basin District
  2. Cuenca Fluvial de Cataluña River Basin District
  3. Guadalete-Barbate River Basin District
  4. Tinto-Odiel-Piedras River Basin District
  5. Cuencas Mediterráneas de Andalucía River Basin District
  6. Islas Baleares River Basin District
  7. Islas Canarias River Basin District
    1. Gran Canaria
    2. Tenerife
    3. El Hierro
    4. Fuerteventura
    5. La Gomera
    6. Lanzarote
    7. La Palma
  8. Guadalquivir River Basin District
  9. Segura River Basin District
  10. Júcar River Basin District
  11. Cantábrico Oriental River Basin District
  12. Miño-Sil River Basin District
  13. Cantábrico Oriental River Basin District
  14. Duero River Basin District
  15. Tajo River Basin District
  16. Guadiana River Basin District
  17. Ebro River Basin District
  18. Ceuta River Basin District
  19. Melilla River Basin District