Consejo Nacional del Agua


It is the top advisory body in this area

Structure and composition

The National Water Council will work in plenary session or a Standing Committee. Also, the House may agree to the establishment of special commissions to study and report of the matters that he decided to entrust.

The Regulation of Public Administration of Water and Water Planning composed the National Water Council, which was subsequently amended several times (the last modification is made by Royal Decree 1383/2009 of 28 August, determining the composition, structure and functioning of orgáncia National Water Council).

The Chair of the National Water Council correspond to the head of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. Council are part of the General State Administration, Autonomous Regions, the Local Entres through the statewide association of more implementation, basin organizations, professional and economic organizations most representative state level, as well as entities without profit state level with an objective established by the environmental advocacy.


Mandatory reports on:

  • National Water Plan project.
  • Basin Water Plans
  • Projects in the general provisions applicable throughout the country regarding the protection of waters and the management of DPH.
  • The plans and projects of general interest land management, urban, industrial and energy use or land use, prior to approval by the Government.
  • Issues common to two or more basin organizations in connection with the use of water resources and other property of the DPH.
  • The issues that might be of DPH consulted by the Government or by the executive bodies of the regions above.

May propose to the government and public lines of study and research for the development of technical innovations in regard to collection, use, preservation, recovery, comprehensive treatment and water economy.

The Rules of Procedure of the National Water Council will be approved by the Minister for Environment and Rural and Marine proposal of the Assembly of the Council and regulate the functions of the technical, legal, administrative and financial resources required for the proper functioning of the Board and its Secretary General.

The President of the Council may establish working groups and support the functioning of the Board.


Consejo Nacional del Agua
Paseo de la Castellana, 67. 28046 Madrid (España)
- Teléfono: +34 91 597 70 00