Water Data / Water Information System

SIA Data (Water Information System)

sia_peq.gifGeographic Viewfinder
Direct access to the disaggregated data through a geographic viewfinder with access to all the sources of information.
lda_peq.gifDigital Book of the Water
Structured access to the information on water to provide a better understanding of environment information to the people who don´t have specific knowledges of hydrology.
indicadores_peq.gifWater System Indicators
Access to aggregated data in the form of indicators that reflect, in few values, the more important aspects of the water in Spain.
Puede consultar la última información del Inventario Nacional de Presas en la página del SIA.

Water in Spain

climatologia.gif  Climatologybiodiv.gif   Biodiversityindustria.gif   Industry
hidrografia.gif  Hydrographyhidrog.gif   Hidrogeologysuelos.gif   Soils
poblacion.gif Population

energia.gif  Energy

turismo.gif   Turism


White Book of the Water

lba.gifWhite Book of the Water

The Document White Book of the Water in Spain has been prepared under the direction of the Secretary of State for Water and Costs of the Ministry of Environment, the General Directorate of Hydraulic Works and Water Quality, with the collaboration, assistance and technical support of the Centre of Hydrographic Studies (CEDEX).