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General scheme of the structure of a River Basin
Governing bodies: Governing Board and President
- Composition of the Governing Board
- The President of the Basin Agency as President and two Vice-Presidents.
- Representatives of the state administration, five as a minimum: one for each of the following ministries: Environment, Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Science and Technology, Health and Consumer Economics, and a representative will of the State Tax Administration if it is responsible for managing the tax levy in this area in the basin.
- Representatives of the Autonomous Communities that have decided to join the Basin Agency. The number of representatives of each is determined by its number and its area and population.
- The user representatives: at least one third of the total, and a minimum of three.
- The provinces are represented according to the percentage of territory affected by the watershed.
- Powers of the Governing Board
- To approve the action plans of the Agency's proposed budget and know the settlement thereof.
- Agree necessary credit operations.
- Adopt resolutions that apply in relation to the functions of the River Basin and acts of disposition of assets.
- Prepare the issues that have to submit to the Council's Water Basin.
- Approve the report of the Water Board of demarcation, the changes on the width of the easement areas and the police under this Act
- Declare overexploited aquifers, or at risk of being and determine the perimeters of protection.
- Certain decisions on user communities.
- Promote initiatives on wetlands.
- Report on the proposed penalties for serious and very serious at the initiative of President, when the facts are of special significance.
- Approve, as appropriate, general criteria for determining the compensation for damage to DPH.
- Propose to the Board of Water Basin hydrological review of the plan accordingly.
- And in general, to deliberate on the matters under consideration by the President or any of its members.
- President
- Appointment: by the Council of Ministers.
- Functions:
- To represent the Agency
- Chairing the Governing Board, the Assembly of Members, the Commission desembalsando and the Water Council.
- Ensure that the agreements of colleges comply with current legislation. The impeachment of the President of these agreements to the administrative jurisdiction produce his interim suspension.
- Role played by top managers and executives.
- In general, the exercise of any function not expressly attributed to another organ.
- Under the direct authority of the President of the Confederation are the following organizational units:
- Water Station
The functions of the Commissioner of waters, including the following:- Proposals for concessions and authorizations relating to public water and the establishment of servitude, surveys and modulations.
- Keeping the Water Register, the Catalogue of private waters and Census wastewater discharge.
- The inspection and monitoring of derivative works concessions and permits for public water.
- Inspection and surveillance of farms of all uses of public waters, irrespective of their ownership and legal status to which they are received, and the direction of childcare river.
- The issues relating to the inland waters, including conducting appraisals and hydrology studies.
- The analysis and control of the quality of inland waters, and the study of the proposed fees due referred to in Articles 104 and 105 of the Water Act.
- Technical Direction
- Study, project, management and operation of works commissioned by the Agency or the State, Autonomous Regions, Local Authorities, other public or private, or private.
- The actions aimed at achieving more rational use of water.
- The study and proposed levies for the Canon regulation and water use rate and the rates and prices relating to tax on water and other public property hidráulioco except for the canon of discharge and use of assets of public water.
- Execution of orders desembalsando.
- Water Planning Office
- Preparation, monitoring and reviewing the Basin Hydrological Plan.
- Reports support actions proposed by the users with the Water Plan.
- Management plans or overexploited aquifers withdrawals requiring protection.
- General Secretariat
- Administrative, economic, financial, legal, personnel, etc. Agency.
- Administrative management of government and administration bodies.
- Water Station
Management bodies in sharing regime
- Assembly Members
- Composition:
- All users are part of the Boards of exploitation.
- Features:
- Coordinate the exploitation of hydraulic works and water resources throughout the basin, without prejudice to the concession system and user rights.
- Composition:
- Commission desembalsando
- Composition shall be governed by regulations, currently:
- Representatives of the Confederation, without vote.
- Representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs and the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade.
- Representative of "Spanish Red Electrica, SA".
- User Representatives appointed by the Governing Board on a proposal from the Assembly of Members.
- Functions:
- Discuss and make proposals to the President of the Agency on the appropriate system for filling and emptying of reservoirs and aquifers in the basin attended the concession rights for different users.
- Composition shall be governed by regulations, currently:
- Operation Committe
- Composition: be determined by regulation, at present:
- The Technical Director of the Agency, who shall be Chairman of the Board.
- Representatives of the Agency, without vote.
- Representatives of affected users.
- They may also attend, representing the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food and the Ministry of Industry and Energy, as advisers without vote.
- Funcitons:
- The same Assembly Members, but in relation to the whole river, river, stream reach or hydrogeologic unit whose harvests are particularly interrelated. Its scope is determined by the President of the Confederacy.
- Composition: be determined by regulation, at present:
- Engineering Committe
- Composition:
- Representatives of the Confederation.
- Representatives of users affected by a work already approved
- Functions:
- Report directly to the intended users of a work already approved to carry out the Confederacy, the development and impact of the proposal, if the cost of the work is over a certain amount. It is at the request of users.
- Composition:
Participation and planning body
- Council of the District Water
- Composition:
- President (the Confederation), two Vice Presidents and a Secretary.
- Representatives of ministerial departments, related to the use of water resources, by three for each of them.
- Representatives of the Autonomous Regions of the basin, according to their number, area and population, each at least one vowel.
- Representatives of the Technical Services Agency, more than three.
- Representatives of users, at least one third of all Members.
- Representatives of local authorities whose territory wholly or partly coincides with the basin, depending on the extent or percentage of the territory affected by the watershed (up to three members).
- Representatives of associations and advocacy organizations, environmental, economic and social issues related to water (up to six members)
- Functions:
- Submit to the Government on River Basin Management Plan by the Ministry of Environment.
- Report questions of general interest in the basin and on the better management, operation and supervision of the DPH.
- Promote information, consultation and public participation in the planning process.
- Composition:
Cooperation Body: Committee of Competent Authorities