Duero Hydrographic Confederation

Duoro Hydrographic Confederation
C/ Muro, 5
47004 Valladolid
Tel.: +34 983 21 54 00
Fax: +34 983 21 54 38


Basin descriptionStructur and formation of the Hydrographic Confederation
Water planWater Plan proposal 2009
AlegacionesWater usesGuidelines
ContentEconomic evaluationIrrigation
Space protectionMonitoring and control









The Duero basin has borders. 81% (78,952 km2) of the surface of the basin lies in terrritorio Spanish. Hydrographic Confederation manages the Spanish Duero basin and participates in working groups of Spanish-Portuguese Committee for the Implementation and Development of the Albufeira Convention.

Besides being a watershed basin Inernacional is also a cross-community, covering seven regions. Most of the territory is Castilla y León (98.32%) and the remaining area is distributed among the autonomous regions of Galicia, Cantabria, La Rioja, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and Madrid.

Geologically formed by the Duero Depression and its edges. It is configured as a bucket of tertiary and quaternary sediments, lake and continental. From the geographical point of view is a flat, elevated depression, bordered by mountain ranges. Virtually all of the basin lies above 700 m altitude. The central part is formed by a stepped relief plains. The higher fells are formed by the rivers that form from large to small gully valleys, gorges and ravines.

The basin is surrounded by a mountainous border well defined and definite: the northwestern Galician-Leonese mountains, on the north, the Cantabrian Mountains, as a transition between it and the Iberian is the region of La Lora. The system is present in the Iberian basin closing the northeast and moorlands extiene by Soria. Further west begins to point the Central System. In the Sierra de Ayllón takes the boundary in a southwesterly direction toward the Sierra de Gredos, in the central system, where it extends further to the west and ends in Portugal with the Sierra del Tremendal, row Bejar and Sierra de Gata .


Duero basin coincides almost exactly with the North Submeseta. The circle of mountains surrounding the basin is the area with the highest intensity of rainfall. The central area is much drier, but that is where the major aquifers and formations in it are located the main cities, industry and the most important agricultural production area.

The predominant climate is continental Mediterranean, with dry summers and cold winters. Near its desembocadiura in Portugal the weather is suva, debvido the influence of the Atlantic Ocean. This feature determines the Mediterranean-climate, which means a Conditions for summer drought affecting 90% of the catchment area.

The temperatures are very low in winter, especially in the northern moorland, with occasional cold snaps. In summer the average temperature is cool, between 20 º C on the note and not exceeding 31 º C average maximum temperature.

The average rainfall in the basin is 618 mm / year. Rainfall is irregular in all the Duero basin. Rainfall occurs mostly between spring and autumn, during the summer being almost nonexistent.

The volume of annual rainfall in the basin is about 50,000 hm 3, of which 35,000 are directly evaporated or used by vegetation. The remaining volume is the total natural runoff, which flows through the channels surface or incorporated into the network of groundwater through infiltration.

Duero river

The Douro river is the main channel of the drainage basin, with a length of 572 km in Spanish territory. The first section, 73 km, runs through the steep valleys of the Iberian Cordillera. The average slope of this part of the head is 14.8 m / km. From Soria to the Portuguese border runs through the soft soils terniarios formed by sediments along 499 km, with an average gradient of 1.0 m / km.

The international portion of the cannon goes up, with the average slope of 3.7 m / km. Due to the unevenness of 402 meters of the border franhen are common in the area of hydropower plants.

From up until his mouth in the Atlantic Ocean in Porto Douro travels 213 km, with a much softer gradient of 0.6 m / km.




To develop the control and management functions of the Public Water Basin Organizations, among them the Hydrographic Confederation of Duero, have three types of organs, which involved users and governments involved as well as units administrative agencies that provide technical support for the execution of work.







Annex 1. Modified water bodie

Annex 2. Inventory of water resources

Annex 3. Protected areas

Annex 4. Ecological flows

Annex 5. Water demands

Annex 6. Allocation of reserves and resorces

Annex 7. Pressures inventory

Annex 8. Environmental goals

Annex 9. Cost recovery

Annex 10. Public participation

Annex 11. Mirame manual

Annex 12. Programme of measures

Annex 13. PES update

Annex 14. Atlas maps

Environmental Sustainability Report


The proposed Water Plan Duero basin was approved unanimously by the meeting of the Water Basin was held in Valladolid on March 2, 1995, giving transfer to the Government of the Nation. This was approved by the July 24, 1998, according to RD 1664/1998 for approving the plans Hydrological different river, after the agreement of the National Water Council in April of that year.

How the plan has been prepared

This work is the result of extensive participation of all stakeholders in water use and are part of the Water Board of the basin, consisting of 62 members representing the central government, autonomous communities, users, farming organizations and environmental organizations.

The starting point of this important document is set in 1979 when the Royal Decree 3029/1979 established the Water Planning Commission, a true embryo of the current Plan. Six years later, the Water Act Title III devoted entirely to water planning, while another DR, 927/1988 of 29 July, approving the Regulations of the Public Water Management and Water Planning.

Parallel to the legal and regulatory development, the Douro River Basin began technical studies necessary to develop a basic documentation aimed at analyzing and lawsuits and propose measures for planning with two horizons: 10 to 20 years, counted from the moment adoption of the Plan.

This initial documentation, converted and Guidelines Project was completed in December 1988, submitting it to public consultation during five months, between June 1 and October 31, 1992.

After this period, the allegations were:

Classification by subject
Omaña reservoir529
Castrovido (Arlanza) reservoir16
Torresandino (Esgueva) reservoir6
Vidrieros reservoir10
Alto Duero reservoirs2
Bernardos (Eresma) reservoir77
Classification by authors
Other groups28
Classification by texts
Original text87
Model A about  Omaña y others León reservoirs240
Model B about  Omaña y others León reservoirs286
Model C about Esgueva reservoir2
Model D about Arlanza reservoir6
Model E  Vidrieros reservoir8
Model F about Bernardos reservoir74

The draft guideline was discussed at two meetings of the Water Planning Commission, held on October 18 and November 10, 1993, unanimously adopted in the second.

Throughout 1994, developed the Water Plan del Duero, which was submitted to the board of Basin Water, which approved it on March 2, 1995, and was later sent to the National Council.

The above document consists of memory, Regulations, Plans and several annexes, including infrastructure portfolio, programs, evaluations, improved irrigation, new transformations and special protection areas.

The effectiveness of this plan goes through to make the same dynamic work, in line with the provisions of the Water Act itself that establishes the need for periodic reviews and a mandatory eight years, if not previously submitted changes or substantial deviations from the data, assumptions or results that are part of it.

Development of the Water Plan
River Basin Management PlanFirst stage
  • Preparation of background documentation
  • Preparation of draft guidelines
  • Public consultation
  • Report to the planning comission
  • Approval of the guidelines
Second stage
  • Development of Hydrological Plan
  • Water Compliance Council
  • Report of the National Water Council
  • Approval by Royal Decree

Water uses of Duoro River Basin

Hydrological Plan and the Water Act and set priorities for the coming years uses:

Prioritization of water
Water LawHydrological Plan
  1. Supply of population, including the necessary endowment for low-power industries of water situated in populated areas and connected to the municipal network.
  2. Irrigation and agricultural uses.
  3. Industrial uses for electricity production.
  4. Other industrial uses not included in the preceding paragraphs.
  5. Acuiculture.
  6. Recreational uses.
  7. Navigation and water transport.
  8. Other uses.
  1. Supply populations.
  2. Ecological flow. (*)
  3. Industrial uses, provided that the net consumption for industrial use in the area that is no more than 5% of global demand for irrigation in that area. Be understood as the net consumption less Qvert.directo Qtoma. To access this order of priority, prior to the granting of the concession, must demonstrate that the discharge will take place in the conditions specified by the Hydrographic Confederation of the Duero.
  4. Irrigation
  5. Industrial uses for electricity production.
  6. Other industrial uses that do not qualify for priority 3 ª.
  7. Acuiculture
  8. Recreational uses.
  9. Navigation and water transport.
  10. Other uses.

(*) Although the ecological flow is not a use is considered as such for the purposes of priority uses.

In this basin, water demands are distributed as follows:

  • Agricultural and irrigation uses: 93%
  • Catering to people: 6%
  • Industrial uses: 1%

To a lesser extent one could speak of other non-consumptive uses including include the environment, whose purpose is to maintain environmental flows, although the same, rather than use itself could be considered a restriction on everyone else.

Water Plan Guidelines

The Water Plan is divided into 12 Duero guidelines that define their main characteristics, which are as follows:

  1. Establish inventory of surface and ground water resources as well as rules for proper exploitation of them in normal situations and risk (floods and drought). It also considers the need to update the hydrological data base and the current demands, proposing improvements to the control networks and SAIH gauging, among others, providing hydrological information to individuals who request it.
  2. Reload uses existing resources allocated to studying the uses of the resource from the dual aspect of the optimization of current in the design of new ones. We identified various demands for urban, industrial and agricultural, and discusses the minimum flows to meet environmental demands, not to mention plans for the use of rivers, reservoirs and margins for recreational purposes.
  3. Meeting the criteria of priority between the various uses and conditions for the declaration of a particular use.
  4. Assign and allocate resources for current and future uses pertaining to the two horitzontes (10 and 20 years) is projected by the Plan. External transfers to other basins have a reserve of 155 hectometres for transfer to the North Basin, which is behind the entrance to Portugal from the Douro.
  5. Set the basic characteristics of water quality and improvements in the control network of the surface and establish a network of ground control. Sort of existing discharges, the inventory of potential contamination forums groundwater, setting standards for diagnosis and action to reduce the pollutant load to the returns of irrigation, as well as promoting the development of the Integrated Sanitation Plan and Solid Waste, Urban and Industrial.
  6. Establish criteria for the design improvements in existing irrigation systems and to declare the viability of new irrigation schemes. Consider the possibility to apply in some areas sewage irrigation, depending on the crops.
  7. Develop a series of plans to protect wetlands and riparian, groundwater, for aggregate extraction and supply outlets for people with surface water. These standards will be grouped into studies and field, among which include the project of surveying and marking LINDE river banks and margins.
  8. Soil conservation, erosion control and assessing the vulnerability of it, to be determined which different forest hydrological plans.
  9. Study and set standards for the protection of groundwater recharge and, if the statement of overexploited aquifers and the possible artificial recharge of certain areas.
  10. List the basic infrastructure required by the Plan in all areas, from building new dams, large irrigation schemes, defenses against floods, water treatment plants and facilities for artificial recharge of aquifers. This plan also deals with an inventory of current and reliable infrastructures and the set of assets of the Hydraulic Administration.
  11. Promote coordinated approaches for evaluating the energy use from a technical perspective, economic and administrative.
  12. Determine criteria for studies, actions and works to prevent floods, establishing design flows for channel works, software protection and flood zoning for various return periods, performances in times of drought, etc.

Content Plan: Programs

Warer plan is composed of four main sections: memory, regulations, plans and annexs.

  • Memory: a description of the content of the document and it is complied with article 8 of the Draft National Hydrological Plan.
  • Regulations: keeps the same structure of guidelines, in they way that each Director Plan is developed in one or several regulations. As been said, there are 12 guidelines that origins 76 regulations.
  • To provide an overview of a collection has been prepared consisting of 20 plans that illustrate some of the issues raised.
  • The seven annexed completing the Plan through all the aspects of it, ranging from basic infrastructure necessary to economic and financial evaluation, through programs and research work constantly updated.

The regulations referred to above has a more extensive development in these annexes, in which 21 programs are planned:

  • Program 1. Control and monitoring of compliance of water intended for public consumption and inland waters for recreational use.
  • Program 2. Promoting social use of reservoirs, which is scheduled to run.
  • Program 3. Recovery and management of margins and banks. It is linked to the process of delimitation and demarcation of public water resources and should be coordinated with him.
  • Program 4. Environmental adaptation of channels and service roads.
  • Program 5. Demarcation of the Public Water and police zones. This program coincides with the project objectives LINDE.
  • Program 6. Hydrological-forestry and soil conservation. Establishing the criteria for establishing the territory on which it will develop these plans and priorities for action.
  • Program 7. Support and strengthen information systems on the quality of water intended for human use and consumption. Companies be required to supply potable water meeting the quality requirements.
  • Program 8. Definition of mandatory reforestation perimeters. Based on the established program No. 6 recommend specific actions of reforestation.
  • Programme 9. Various actions (including the provision of infrastructure) to mitigate and correct the effects arising from the changes in the natural flow regime, groundwater, river bed and bank vegetation.
  • Program 10. Environmental soundness, social enjoyment and restoration of historical and archaeological heritage.
  • Program 11. Cultural integration of public water resources and infrastructure. It plans to develop an inventory of places of interest located within the Public Water Supply.
  • Program 12. Determination of points of interest areas and learning infrastructure for inclusion in educational programs of the MEC.
  • Program 13. Study of hydrological and hydraulic phenomena delineation of flood zones. Defines two types of actions: hydrological studies to define the flood flows and hydrographs for different return periods, and hydraulic studies for the determination of flood areas with previously calculated flows.
  • Program 14. Infrastructure and management systems for forecasting and flood defense. With knowledge of the risk estimated in the development of the previous program, shall determine the measures of active and passive. Detailed rules of operation.
  • Program 15. Actions needed to bring irrigation consumption in the envelopes provided.
  • Program 16. Actions for knowledge flows and volumes supplied in each irrigation area.
  • Program 17. Improvement and modernization of irrigation.
  • Program 18. Hydroelectric development.
  • Program 19. Decontamination of ditches and canals.
  • Program 20. Identifying areas sensitive to certain nutrients.
  • Program 21. Sanitation Development Plan Comprehensive Castilla y León.