New Paradigms in Water Management in Spain. Water Crisis Governance in Aragon. Conflict and Matarraña Yesa

Autor/es: Casajus Murillo, Mª Lourdes

Año de lectura: 2009

Universidad: University of Barcelona (UAB)

Departamento: Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques


This thesis analyzes water conflicts in Aragon in a context of crisis and transition between two paradigms: the paradigm Renaissance domination of nature, in its modern vision of hydraulic structuralism regeneracionista of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and the new sustainability paradigm emerging in the late twentieth century and finally tends to prevail at the beginning of this century.

With the objectives of:
- Revealing the factors that explain the emergence of conflict, and evolution.
- Evaluate the different approaches to governance in the management of these conflicts.
- Identify key paradigm shift and public policies that lead to new approaches in water governance.
To do this:
- We have developed a Historical Institutional Analysis to understand the social, political and cultural thought which arose regeneracionista as modern expression of the paradigm of domination of nature in water management and its evolution Throughout the twentieth century. On the other hand tries to reveal the emergence of contradictions, new values ​​and lines of force, eventually, end up calling into question the public policy derived from the model, and even the paradigm that supports it.

-The study of conflict has basadoen an analysis of public policies in force each time, paying special attention to the identification of the actors involved (public and private), legal and institutional context, interests and expectations in play, and emotional factors identity, discourses and conflicting plot lines and identification of strategies and alliances.-A when analyzing the conflicts in question are identified key paradigm shift in progress based on new principles and objectives of the Water Framework Directive, adopted in Brussels in 2000, in tune with the proposed the New Water Culture

The cases under review, Yesa and Matarraña, have been chosen for their high significance in the Movement for the New Water Culture of the entire state. Even with a very specific regional location, nature and characteristics of these conflicts, to identify and study the key of that paradigm shift as a global phenomenon