Recursos de información
Fuentes de información en
la red :
- Chapagain,
A.K. and Hoekstra, A.Y. (2004) ‘Water footprints of nations, Volume
1: Main Report', Value of Water Research Series No. 16, UNESCO-IHE
- Chapagain,
A.K. and Hoekstra, A.Y. (2004) ‘Water footprints of nations, Volume
2: Appendices', Value of Water Research Series No. 16, UNESCO-IHE
- Hoekstra,
A.Y. (2003) 'Virtual water trade between nations: A global mechanism
affecting regional water systems', IGBP Global Change News Letter,
No.54, June 2003
- Chapagain,
A.K. and Hoekstra, A.Y.(2003) 'The water needed to have the Dutch
drink tea', Value of Water Research Report Series No.15, UNESCO-IHE
- Chapagain,
A.K. and Hoekstra, A.Y. (2003) 'The water needed to have the Dutch
drink coffee', Value of Water Research Report Series No.14, UNESC0-IHE
- A.K.
Chapagain, and A.Y. Hoekstra (2003)'Virtual water flows between nations
in relation to trade in livestock and livestock products', Value
of Water Research Report Series No.13, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water
Education the Netherlands
- Hoekstra,
A.Y. (ed.)(2003) 'Virtual water trade: Proceedings of the International
Expert Meeting on Virtual Water Trade, IHE Delft, the Netherlands,
12-13 December 2002', Value of Water Research Report Series No.12,
IHE, Delft, The Netherlands
- Hoekstra,
A.Y. and Hung, P.Q. (2002) 'Virtual water trade: A quantification
of virtual water flows between nations in relation to international
crop trade', Value of Water Research Report Series No.11, IHE, Delft,
the Netherlands
- E-Conference Synthesis: Virtual Water Trade. Conscious Choices. Marzo
- Thirsty
Crops Report - Elaborado por WWF
- Ejemplo de la huella hídrica de una industria