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Workshop on equitable access to water and sanitation
Mon, 04/07/2011 / Tue, 05/07/2011
The workshop on equitable access to water and sanitation will be held in Geneva on 4 and 5 July 2011, in the framework of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health.
With the aim to support the realization of the human right to water and sanitation, the workshop will address inequities in access to water and sanitation that are still widespread in the pan-European region:
- Geographical disparities: in many countries people living in rural or remote areas have significantly lower levels of access to safe water and improved sanitation;
- Affordability constraints: in some countries, people with low incomes often find access to water and sanitation unaffordable; this situation will be exacerbated as countries move towards full cost recovery of water and sanitation services;
- Inequities suffered by vulnerable and marginalized groups, as well as groups with specific needs (such as Roma and Travellers, ethnic minorities, disabled persons, etc.) who face additional barriers to access than those of ordinary citizens.
With the aim to support the realization of the human right to water and sanitation, the workshop will address inequities in access to water and sanitation that are still widespread in the pan-European region:
- Geographical disparities: in many countries people living in rural or remote areas have significantly lower levels of access to safe water and improved sanitation;
- Affordability constraints: in some countries, people with low incomes often find access to water and sanitation unaffordable; this situation will be exacerbated as countries move towards full cost recovery of water and sanitation services;
- Inequities suffered by vulnerable and marginalized groups, as well as groups with specific needs (such as Roma and Travellers, ethnic minorities, disabled persons, etc.) who face additional barriers to access than those of ordinary citizens.
(Ginebra, Suiza)
Francesca Bernardini
protocol.water_health@unece.org ; Francesca.Bernardini@unece.org ; evelina.rioukhina@unece.org