
Spain appreciates that the final declaration of "Rio +20" marks the path to advance sustainable development

Sat, 23/06/2012 (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente)

Arias Cañete highlights "the role of Spain in recognition of access to water as a universal human right"

Thu, 21/06/2012 (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente)

EU7 The Importance of Access to Drinking Water and Sanitation for European Vulnerable Populations

Thu, 15/03/2012 / Thu, 15/03/2012

Solidarity Water Europe UNECE

Arias Cañete said that access to water is one of the key challenges for the future of the planet

Wed, 14/03/2012 (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente)

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