Prospective Regulatory Environmental Services Provider for Aquifer Recovery

[Prospective Regulatory Environmental Services Provider for Aquifer Recovery]

Aquifers are source of potable water in many sites in Egypt. For years, farmers have dug many wells to drink, supply the rainfall and to grow crops. But then, overexploitation of this groundwater became a major concern especially with climate change problems. In most of Egyptian sites, the aquifer system doesn’t have the capacity to support full irrigation. Thus, traditional and modern techniques were both employed to artificially recharge the groundwater. Also, optimization of water use efficiency became necessary to face the droughts and the declining freshwater resources; especially when only 20 to 75 % of water extracted from underground aquifers is recovered through natural recharge, which is a leading factor to a continuous decline in available groundwater. Meanwhile, mangrove A. marina ecosystems, growing in the intertidal belt at the interface between land and sea, play vital roles in preserving the environmental ecosystems. Because besides supporting wind breaking, sediment retention and erosion control, supplying aquifers is one of these roles. Mangroves also contribute to water quality maintenance. In addition to these direct support provided by mangroves to the economic activity and property, the indirect used for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes.


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