A tool to facilitate the participation of different actors in the monitoring and control of the service of water supply

[A tool to facilitate the participation of different actors in the monitoring and control of the service of water supply]

The generation of reliable information from a program of monitoring and control on the part of the wachtful organization and the organization that gives the service of water supply is very importat for the decision making as far as the intervention in the improvement of the quality of the service with the participation of each one of the involved actors. The identification of the deficiencies and limitations, from the river basin to the house, and not only about water quality, but incorporating aspects not only related to the state and operation of the service, is the essence of a monitoring and control program. A tool of support for the processing, analysis, consolidation and transference of information at different institutional levels, facilitates the planning of the interventions in the sector that makes possible to promote sustainable projects that improve the quality of life of our communities.

Universidad del Valle (Colombia)

Language: Español

Format: PDF

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