Bosnia and Herzegovina - Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste Urgent Works Project

[Bosnia and Herzegovina - Water, Sanitation and Solid Waste Urgent Works Project]

The assessed project was one of the first emergency reconstruction efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) following the signing of the Dayton peace accord in December 1995. The project was conceived as the first phase of a three-phase sector recovery program (SW). It covered immediate (urgent) works to restore water, sanitation, and solid waste service in a number of municipalities within the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina that were most at risk from public health point of view. A follow-up project (the second phase), to be prepared under the present project, was envisaged to cover major rehabilitation needs. The third phase of SRP was to cover extensive expansion of the service facilities nationwide. The project concept was that the Bank would implement and coordinate the overall program with additional funding coming from a number of international and bilateral agencies.

Banco Mundial;The World Bank

Language: Inglés

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