Guidelines for Establishing and Strengthening Local Communities’ and Indigenous People’s Participation in the Management of Wetlands (Key Documents of the Ramsar Convention)

[Guidelines for Establishing and Strengthening Local Communities’ and Indigenous People’s Participation in the Management of Wetlands (Key Documents of the Ramsar Convention)]

These guidelines were conceived with the premise that local and indigenous people’s involvement in wetland management can substantially contribute to effective management practices that further Ramsar’s wise use objectives. As defined by Ramsar COP3 (1987), wise use of wetlands is ‘their sustainable utilization for the benefit of mankind in a way compatible with the maintenance of the natural properties of the ecosystem’. Evidence from the 23 commissioned case studies and other experiences in participatory management indicates that local and indigenous people’s involvement can, if carried out within the full framework of actions encouraged by the Convention, contribute significantly to maintaining or restoring the ecological integrity of wetlands, as well as contributing to community well-being and more equitable access to resources. In practical terms, the Ramsar Convention concept of ‘wise use’ is equivalent to ‘sustainable use’.

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