Environmental ehic and agriculture use of water

[Environmental ehic and agriculture use of water]

The problems related to the use of the water can be grouped, for our intentions, in two great groups: technical problems and cultural problems. Technical specialists like the engineers in irrigation and hydraulics, agronomists, economists, legislators are in charge, etc. look after the first group. The other group is related with those peoples whose purpose is to reflect about the conception that prevails over the nature, the society, the man, science and the technology, at a certain time and particular conditions. These people can be philosophers, writers, sociologists, journalists, analysts, etc. The predominant conception of the technical specialists and the users of the water, conscious or unconscious, entails a series of consequences in the facts of the daily life and in the way of production, specially in the environment. In this work, the predominant conception at the present time of two fundamental actors in the use of the water is approached: the users and technical specialists.The characteristics of this conception, almost always unconscious, and practical consequences for the environment, are exposed. A series of conceptual elements is exposed to reorient the technical specialists towards a conception of science and the technology that in the long run will contribute to the establishment and consolidation of a sustainable agriculture and, in general, a sustainable development of our Mexican society.

Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo

Language: Español

Format: PDF

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