New generation of solar thermal systems


Socios participantes: UNIVERSITAT KASSEL (Alemania) <br /> HOGSKOLAN DALARMA (Suecia) <br /> SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (Suecia) <br /> OSTERREICHISCHES FORSCHUNGS - UND PRUFZENTRUM ARSENAL GES MBH (Austria) <br /> HOCHSCHULE FUR TECHNIK (Suiza) <br /> INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TECNICA AEROESPACIAL (España) <br /> TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF DENMARK (Dinamarca) <br /> NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH "DEMOKRITOS" (Grecia) <br /> UNIVERSITY OF OSLO, NORWAY (Noruega) <br /> INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA E TECHNOLOGIA INDUSTRIAL (Portugal) <br /> Italian National Agency for the New Technology, Energy and Environment (Italia) <br /> ECOFY B.V. (Holanda) <br /> ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT ERNEUERBARE ENERGIE - INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES (Austria) <br /> EUROPEAN SOLAR THERMAL INDUSTRY FEDERATION, AISBL (Bélgica) <br /> CENTRE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE DU BATIMENT (Francia) <br /> Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) <br /> (Holanda) <br /> POLITECNICO DI MILANO (Italia)

Programa: Sixth Framework Programme

Inicio del proyecto: Thu, 01/07/2004

Finalización del proyecto: Sun, 01/07/2007

Más información

The objective of this project is to introduce more cost-effective solar thermal systems, particularly for domestic hot water preparation and / or space heating, to the market in order to contribute to the European Union's Action Plans with regard to the reduction of CO2 - Emissions and the cost-effective supply of renewable energies. In order to achieve this goal the project provides a framework for the development of the next generation of solar thermal systems and their Introduction to the market.
The main instruments and deliverables of this project will be:
"A network for the co-ordination of the research and innovation activities for the development of a new generation of solar thermal systems?
Accompanying measures for the introduction of a new generation of solar thermal systems for domestic hot water preparation and / or space heating to the markets.
These measures are focused on the-promotion of standardised system concepts-integration of solar thermal systems into building technology-methods for rating, standardisation and testing of the next generation of systems-forming a platform for work and experience exchange on advanced applications such as solar cooling and desalination. In order to achieve the ambitious goals of this project the consortium consists of leading experts in the field of solar thermal energy from research and test institutes as well as industry participants from several European countries. The project activities will be closely linked to the work of the IEA SH&C Task 32 (Advanced storage concepts for solar thermal systems in low energy buildings) and with regard to standardisation work to CEN TC 312 (Thermal solar systems and components).