Programa: <a href="http://www.geos.unicaen.fr/recherche/Flocodsweb/Html/INCO_DEV.htm" target="_blank">International S&T Cooperation Programme for Development (INCO - DEV)</a>

Inicio del proyecto: Sat, 01/09/2001

Finalización del proyecto: Sun, 31/08/2003

FLOCODS es un proyecto de investigación interdisciplinario sobre el comportamiento del Sistema del Río Rojo en la estaciones de inundaciones... El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar un Sistema de apoyo a la toma de decisiones
FLOCODS is an interdisciplinary long-term research project on the functioning of the Red River System in flood seasons, facing increasing degradation of the ecosystem and climate changes. The overall objective of the project is to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) in support of ecosystem upgrading and flood control with particular emphasis on the Red River System (RRS). The DSS will provide decision-makers with an analytical tool to assess and evaluate ecosystem-upgrading and flood - control measures which fit into a sustainable use of natural resources in the Red River Basin, while reducing flood risks to an acceptable level and doing no harm to other interests

Fuente: Web