Developing sustainable water management in the Jordan valley
Socios participantes: APPLIED RESEARCH INSTITUTE - JERUSALEM ; ENVIROCONSULT OFFICE ; JOANNEUM RESEARCH FORSCHUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH ; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - The Authority for Research and Development ;
Programa: Fourth Framework Programme
Inicio del proyecto: Sat, 01/11/1997
Finalización del proyecto: Mon, 30/04/2001
The main objective of this project is to develop the scientific basis for an integral management plan of water resources and their use in the Jordan Valley.
Specific objectives are :
* Development of a GIS-based database containing harmonised sets of population, land use, soil and water data of the Jordan Valley, including consistent sets of maps that project distribution of water sources and users.
* Projection of potential available sources and demand of water until about 2030.
* Assessment of the hydrogeological conditions, including a conceptual model for assessing environmental and health risks of current practices on soils and groundwater.
* Identification of environmental and health risks of water quality degradation.
* Evaluation of water collection, storage, delivery and irrigation practices and development of scenarios for water and soil management, regarding different land use practices.
* Formulation of an optimisation model for water use, considering utilisation conflicts and potentials of conjunctive water uses