Master in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

Fri, 01/02/2013 / Mon, 30/09/2013

The CEDEX in cooperation with UNED organizes the Master specialization in Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Engineering, with the ultimate objective of disseminating knowledge and experience
Spanish professionals and researchers in the field of geotechnics. It develops the concepts
Fundamental Soil Mechanics and Rock, and the methods and applications
common in Geotechnical Engineering for the resolution of problems related to it.
Considered for developing a teaching team comprised of staff from the Administration, the
University and several private companies, construction and consultancy of recognized standing and
industry experience.
The Master is designed for engineering graduates and graduates in different branches
geotechnical related issues.
The Master, now in its own right, National University of Distance Education (UNED), with
equivalence of 60 credits is a load of 600 hours, divided between meals
teaching, visits to work and the completion of a dissertation.
Students who pass the collective will perform a Master thesis, which will have
present in the final two weeks of September and defend orally in court. the
Students who fail the teaching part of the Master thesis can not perform. To obtain the title
Master's students must have passed both the collective and the dissertation.

calle Alfonso XII, nº 3