Regional Preparatory Meeting in the Arab Region, ESCWA and partners


Tue, 18/10/2011 / Thu, 20/10/2011

The Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting aims to support Arab preparations for Rio+20 by offering a forum for deliberation and consensus building on a consolidated set of issues and priorities that reflect the Arab vision on the objectives and themes to be addressed at Rio+20. The meeting is organized as a collaborative effort between ESCWA, the League of Arab States and UNEP/Regional Office for West Asia.

Government representatives from the social, economic and environmental pillars of sustainable development are invited to participate in the meeting. Regional organizations engaged in Rio+20 preparations at the Arab regional level are also welcome to participate and share their experiences, including United Nations and League of Arab States specialized agencies, financial institutions, civil society, private sector, and academic institutions.

(El Cairo, Egipto)