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Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Europea de Meteorología sobre estrategias de adaptación
Adaptation Strategies, at the EMS Annual Meeting
Sociedad Europea de Meteorología (EMS); Circle 2;
Mon, 12/09/2011 / Fri, 16/09/2011
The CIRCLE-2 ERA-Net and the Environmental Agency of Slovenia are jointly convening a session on Adaptation Strategies at the European Meteorological Society’s 11th Annual Meeting.
This Annual Meeting will be held from September 12-16 2011, in Berlin, Germany and we would like to request your contribution to Session CE1 - Adaptation Strategies.
We welcome contributions covering the broad range of Climate Adaptation activities currently under development in Europe (adaptation policy frameworks, research projects, implementation activities, stakeholder involvement, awareness raising and networking actions) and all scales of the Climate Adaptation challenges (i.e. local, regional, national, transnational, European and International).
This Annual Meeting will be held from September 12-16 2011, in Berlin, Germany and we would like to request your contribution to Session CE1 - Adaptation Strategies.
We welcome contributions covering the broad range of Climate Adaptation activities currently under development in Europe (adaptation policy frameworks, research projects, implementation activities, stakeholder involvement, awareness raising and networking actions) and all scales of the Climate Adaptation challenges (i.e. local, regional, national, transnational, European and International).
Sociedad Europea de Meteorología (EMS); Circle 2;
(Berlin, Alemania)
Tanja Cegnar; Markus Leitner;
Tanja.Cegnar@gov.si; markus.leitner@umweltbundesamt.at