4º Simposio Nacional sobre técnicas isotópicas en hidrología

4º Simposio Nacional sobre técnicas isotópicas en hidrología

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Bosques de la Dirección General de Obras Hidráulicas del Estado. Departamento de Control de Calidad sobre Investigación Técnica

Mon, 19/09/2011 / Sun, 23/10/2011

Isotope techniques have an important role in the assessment, management, and protection of water resources, hydrological surveys and hydro geological investigations.
The main purposes of these symposiums are to increase the awareness of isotope hydrology techniques, to share new developments and applications on te water resources. These symposiums are also the platform for the water related professionals to discuss and share their experience and to learn recent developments.
Symposium Topics:- Surface water-Ground water interaction- Recharge Regime- Fresh-Saline Water Interference- Geothermal Systems- Palaeo waters-Palaeo climatology- Atmosphere-Vegetation and Soil Interactions- Lake Dynamic- Snow Hydrology- Environmental Pollution - Environmental Protection Areas Monitoring of Atmosphere and Ground Circulations

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Bosques de la Dirección General de Obras Hidráulicas del Estado. Departamento de Control de Calidad sobre Investigación Técnica
(Estambul, Turquía)
izotopdsi@gmail.com; izotop@dsi.gov.tr