14th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis "Governing Global Challenges: Climate Change, Trade, Finance and Development"


Thu, 16/06/2011 / Sat, 18/06/2011

The Conference will be organised by the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), the Ca' Foscari University of Veniceand the Centre for Global Trade Analysis of Purdue University, in cooperation with the International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG), the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC) and the Thematic Environmental Networks Center (TEN Center).

The goal of the Conference is to promote the exchange of ideas among economists conducting quantitative analysis of global economic issues. Particular emphasis will be placed on applied general equilibrium methods, data, and application. Related theoretical and applied work is also welcome.

The Themes of the 14th Annual Conference are: Environment and Climate, Trade, Distributional and Equity Issues, Dynamics and Growth, Energy Supply and Security, International Health Issues, Poverty, Employment and Development, Conflicts, Natural Resources Supply and Security, Methodology, Software and Data.

(Venecia, Italia)
megalex@purdue.edu ; angela.marigo@feem.it