Surface Water Management: The Developing Picture and Key Lessons

Surface Water Management: The Developing Picture and Key Lessons

Tue, 14/06/2011 / Tue, 14/06/2011

The pace of change in surface water management is very fast with the implementation of the Flood and Water Management Act and the rapidly developing involvement of Local Authorities. The aim of this conference is to focus on surface water management and the key issues of legislation, implementation and the need for change, funding and the role of water companies, planning, implementation and SUDS. Leading speakers from the policy, local authority, delivery and consultancy sectors are presenting with ample time for audience questions and points.

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Focussed themes on current topics to be covered are:

An overview of the current situation
The developing policy context
Surface water flooding - A local authority perspective – risk, consequences and political buy-in
Funding surface water schemes and the proposed new regime
Water Company Drainage investment and surface water flood risk management – Partnership re F&WMA
Surface Water Management plan completion - sharing the lessons
Surface Water Management scheme delivery - Implementation – examples from Early Action
Mainstreaming SUDs across all aspects of planning and delivery including retrofitting

(Reino Unido)
Lauren Goozee

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