Water Governance: Meeting the Challenges of Global Change

Water Governance: Meeting the Challenges of Global Change

The European Science Foundation (ESF), in partnership with the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (LFUI).

Sun, 05/06/2011 / Fri, 10/06/2011

The conference “Water Governance: Meeting the Challenges of Global Change”, may be of interest to you. The objectives of the conference are to:

• establish state of the art on major recent insights and advances in concepts and methodology in analyses of water governance and policy
• bridge regional and global scales in multi-level analyses of water governance
• strengthen the emerging community of water governance scholars

The European Science Foundation (ESF), in partnership with the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (LFUI).
Irina Comardicea
vibbertson@esf.org ; comardicea@adelphi.de

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