Stormwater Management in Urban Area

Stormwater Management in Urban Area


Sun, 23/10/2011 / Tue, 25/10/2011

With over 550 participants, 95 speakers, covering 23 countries, the Saint-Francois Watershed Steering Committee (COGESAF) organized in 2009, jointly with the University of Sherbrooke, an International Forum on Integrated Water Management (first edition web site). This first initiative of its kind in Quebec had been received with great success.

It is in this context of knowledge sharing between those involved in water management in Quebec, Canada and the world that COGESAF, in partnership with Sherbrooke University and Sherbrooke City, will organize the second edition of International Forum on Integrated Water management, tools for action! "Stormwater management in urban area".

(Québec, Canadá)
Nacim Khennache