Second Forum on sustainable water management in tourist areas TourMedEau

Second Forum on sustainable water management in tourist areas TourMedEau

TourMedEau cooperation project

Sat, 16/10/2010 / Sun, 17/10/2010

The second series of seminars and forums of the project TourMedEau, - Gestion durable de l'Eau dans les Territoires Touristiques de la Méditerranée - aimed to raise a debate concerning the results obtained from the previous analysis phase, will be held in Djerba – Ajim (Tunisia) on 16 and 17 October.

The activities organized by the Municipality of Djerba - Ajim, in collaboration with the ENIS (Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs de Sfax), and the Italian partners of the project (Municipality of Villasimius, University of Cagliari and CRENoS), are addressed to an audience consisting of the main stakeholders: research institutes, local authorities, politicians, local population, economic players and NGOs working in the tourism sector.

The governor of the Médenine region, Mr. M. Brahim Brik; the Mayor of Djerba-Ajim, Mr. Kamel Ben Yahya; representatives of ONAS (Office National de l'Assainissement, Tunisia), ENIS (Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs de Sfax), SONEDE (Société Nationale d'Exploitation et de Distribution des Eaux) and Fédération Régionale de l'Est du Sud Tunisie Hôtellerie will take part to the event, as well as, other public and civil organizations from Médenine.

Water, strategies and problems in Djerba and in the Médenine region; situation and perspectives for water reuse; analysis of the presented scenarios; research and planning of future scenarios will be the topics covered in seminars and forums with a participatory approach.

The TourMedMedEau project is funded by the European Union under the Ciudad Programme - Dialogue And Cooperation in Urban Development (through the European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument - ENPI) planned to help local governments of ENPI regions in improving their ability to plan for a sustainable, integrated and long term urban development, according to the principles of good governance.

TourMedEau cooperation project
(Djerba-Ajim, Túnez) ;