UK Groundwater Forum Conference – Groundwater’s role in reducing our carbon footprint

UK Groundwater Forum Conference – Groundwater’s role in reducing our carbon footprint

UK Groundwater Forum

Wed, 26/05/2010 / Wed, 26/05/2010

The Government's strategy for energy is clear about the need to reduce our green house gas (GHG) emissions. The recently released ‘UK Low Carbon Transition Plan' paves the way for low carbon initiatives to enhance our capabilities in carbon capture and storage, renewable energy and nuclear energy.

Lower carbon technologies, although essential to reduce the emission of GHGs, can have their own environmental impacts which need to be understood and, if necessary, regulated. The hydro-science community has for a long time recognised groundwater as an asset but increasingly the energy sector are realising the value of groundwater as a means to reduce our carbon footprint. With the importance of groundwater only likely to increase with climate change, can groundwater help fuel the energy sector? Perhaps more importantly do we have the skills to deliver on these issues?

The UK Groundwater Forum's conference this year is entitled Groundwater's role in reducing our carbon footprint and will consider the potential implications of low carbon technologies for groundwater systems. Talks will cover issues associated with geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage and energy crops, including regulatory implications, as well as a look at how the water industry can reduce its own carbon footprint.

UK Groundwater Forum
(Reino Unido)
The Forum Secretariat, Stephanie Bricker