Tenth International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution

Tenth International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution

Wessex Institute of Technology; Universidad Politécnica de Bucarest (Rumanía)

Wed, 09/06/2010 / Fri, 11/06/2010

Conference Topics

- Coastal areas
- Lakes and rivers
- Groundwater and aquifer issues
- Environmental monitoring and sensing
- Remediation
- Experimental and laboratory work
Mathematical modelling
- Oil spills
- Wastewater treatment and management
- Low cost technologies
- Agricultural contamination
- Pollution prevention
- Emerging technologies for water treatment
- Novel techniques for water treatment
- Low cost technologies
- Pharmaceutical and pesticides
- Bioaccumulation
- Micropollutant prevention in drinking water

Wessex Institute of Technology; Universidad Politécnica de Bucarest (Rumanía)
(Bucarest, Rumanía)
Irene Moreno Millan

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