The Water Research Conference

The Water Research Conference

Science Direct; ELSEVIER; IWA (Asociación Internacional del Agua); Working with Water; ISME (Sociedad Internacional de Ecología Microbiana); EPAL;

Sun, 11/04/2010 / Wed, 14/04/2010

Microbiology is one of the major scientific disciplines contributing to the field of water research. In this conference we will provide a platform for exchange and interaction between microbiological research and its application; the provision of clean water to society.

The conference addresses two major topics:

- Shifting paradigms in the assessment of recreational water quality

- Microbial ecology of drinking water and waste water treatment processes.

Presentations will consist of the latest research achievements as well as more general conceptual papers on the role of microbiology in Water Research.

Science Direct; ELSEVIER; IWA (Asociación Internacional del Agua); Working with Water; ISME (Sociedad Internacional de Ecología Microbiana); EPAL;
(Lisboa, Portugal)
Richard Hart