Greening Borders: Cooperation, Security and Diplomacy

Greening Borders: Cooperation, Security and Diplomacy

UNESCO-IHP; Universidad de San Diego (EEUU)

Wed, 18/11/2009 / Fri, 20/11/2009

Greening Borders is an environmental conflict resolution conference that addresses controversies related to binational water use and management, development and growth, and public health. The conference has twin goals:
- To support hydro-diplomacy and trans-border solutions to water security in the San Diego/Tijuana region; and
- To support effective communication among policymakers, scientists, community organizations, tribal communities, private sector and conflict resolution experts.

The conference is being organized in collaboration with UNESCO-IHP's PCCP (From Potential Conflict to Cooperation Potential) programme, among others.

UNESCO-IHP; Universidad de San Diego (EEUU)
(San Diego, Estados Unidos)
Ilze Dzenovska