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BALWOIS 2010: Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support
BALWOIS 2010: Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support
Instituto del Agua y Medio Ambiente de los Balcanes; Asociación macedonia de meteorología; Facultad de Ingenieria Civil (Universidad - Skopje); Universidad San Kliment Ohridski; Servicio de meteorología de Macedonia; Instituto de Hidobiología de Ohrid
Tue, 25/05/2010 / Sat, 29/05/2010
The purpose of the conference is to provide a solutions-based forum and to exchange information regarding research activities and plans for studying the relationship between climate and environment for improving the quantity and quality of water, and engineering, and current policies from state and federal agencies. Attendees will include scientists and engineers, managers, legislators, and policy makers responsible for issues dealing with water. It is the intent of this conference to bring forward the concerns and impending problems (and offer solutions) that are developing with regard to the availability and quality of water, and the consequences to aquatic ecosystems and human environment, not only at the Balkan scale, but wider.
Instituto del Agua y Medio Ambiente de los Balcanes; Asociación macedonia de meteorología; Facultad de Ingenieria Civil (Universidad - Skopje); Universidad San Kliment Ohridski; Servicio de meteorología de Macedonia; Instituto de Hidobiología de Ohrid
(Ohrid (República de Macedonia))
Marc Morell