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Regional Workshop on Water Vision
Regional Workshop on Water Vision
Thu, 08/01/2009 / Fri, 09/01/2009
Aquawarenss is guided by the following objectives:
* Create awareness among political decision makers, key stakeholders and citizens
* Support the shift of mindset in Europe towards an efficient and sustainable water use
* Achieve a paradigm shift from supply to demand management
* Europe to become a global leader in water stewardship
* Unite stakeholders to joint actions on advanced water management through the
Water Vision for Europe
* Create awareness among political decision makers, key stakeholders and citizens
* Support the shift of mindset in Europe towards an efficient and sustainable water use
* Achieve a paradigm shift from supply to demand management
* Europe to become a global leader in water stewardship
* Unite stakeholders to joint actions on advanced water management through the
Water Vision for Europe
(Copenhague, Dinamarca)
Agnes Biesiekierska – Project Manager; Sabine von Wiren-Lehr - Projects Coordinator
a.biesiekierska@ewp.eu; s.von-wiren-lehr@ewp.eu