4th International Conference and Exhibition on Consequences of Climate Change and Flood Protection

4th International Conference and Exhibition on Consequences of Climate Change and Flood Protection

Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH

Tue, 10/11/2009 / Thu, 12/11/2009

Acqua alta will be relaunched, with an expanded range of subjects, from 10 to 12 November 2009, that is one year later than originally planned. The new focal points are water management, including drought problems and hydro-power, plus management of various disaster scenarios, make acqua alta the world’s number one meeting point for water management, flood protection, adaptation to climate change, and disaster management.

Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
(Hamburgo, Alemania)
Mrs. Annika Klar (Project Director acqua alta)
acquaalta@hamburg-messe.de ; info@contrac-berlin.de