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Forum Hispano-Moroccan on sustanaible development of water and energy
Forum Hispano-Moroccan on sustanaible development of water and energy
Cámara de Comercio de Almería | Cámara de Comercio de Rabat
Thu, 15/11/2007 / Fri, 16/11/2007
Today, Morocco is one of the countries with the biggest potential, in terms of direct application as well as business activity, for carrying out initiatives related to renewable energy and water technologies. The agreement between the Chambers of Commerce of Almeria and Rabat reflect this, and the cooperation set up through this agreement should serve to strengthen channels for information exchange on needs and experiences between organisations and companies in Andalusia. Alrneria and Morocco.
Cámara de Comercio de Almería | Cámara de Comercio de Rabat
(Rabat, Marruecos)
Sonsoles Muñoz