MEDWIP Experts workshop

MEDWIP Experts workshop

Tue, 03/07/2007 / Wed, 04/07/2007

The aim of this workshop is to review the preliminary findings of the feasibility study related to a Mediterranean Water Observatory Mechanism with key stakeholders in order to define the basic principles that will be presented to the Euromed water directors at the end of 2007. Large parts of the workshop will be dedicated to working group sessions in order to give an opportunity to all the participants to express their opinions. Participants will include institutional representatives of the 8 voluntary countries involved in the study as well as international organisations working on water data processing. The workshop will take place in Madrid, 3-4th July 2007 and will be followed by an EMWIS Steering Committee meeting on 5th July.

Participants invited:

- National consultants involved in the 8 national diagnostic studies

- Institutional representatives from the voluntary countries involved in the study(Cyprus, France, Jordan, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain) as well as other interested countries (Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon)

- Relevant international organisations and initiatives (JMP, MAP-Blue Plan, MAP-Medpol, MAP-Inforac, FAO, UN-Water, European Commission, MedStat/Eurostat, EEA, IbNet, Med-EUWI, Joint Process Med-EUWI-WFD, CEDARE, WWC, ESA)

- Institutional representatives from Med countries

(Madrid, Madrid, España)

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