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1st Meeting of the La Plata River Basin Cities and Communities
1st Meeting of the La Plata River Basin Cities and Communities
Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Paraná, Argentina; Fundación Eco Urbano, Argentina; Fundación M´Biguá Ciudadanía y Justicia Ambiental, Argentina; Fundación PROTEGER, Argentina
Mon, 25/09/2006 / Wed, 27/09/2006
This meeting includes specialists’ presentations, as well as panels and debates, workshops, thematic networks meetings and poster presentations.
The main themes of the meeting are:
• river basins ecosystemic and integrated approach
• sustainable management of wetlands and fishing
• dams, groundwater and aquifers
• protected areas and tourism
• regional integration initiatives
• ancestral cultures of water
• access to water, water-rights and privatization
The main themes of the meeting are:
• river basins ecosystemic and integrated approach
• sustainable management of wetlands and fishing
• dams, groundwater and aquifers
• protected areas and tourism
• regional integration initiatives
• ancestral cultures of water
• access to water, water-rights and privatization
Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Paraná, Argentina; Fundación Eco Urbano, Argentina; Fundación M´Biguá Ciudadanía y Justicia Ambiental, Argentina; Fundación PROTEGER, Argentina
( Paraná, Argentina)
Proteger Foundation Secretariat