2006 Specialty Conference ‘Infrastructure Stewardship: Partnering for a Sustainable Future’

2006 Specialty Conference ‘Infrastructure Stewardship: Partnering for a Sustainable Future’

Federación Ambiental del Agua (WEF), Estados Unidos; Asociación Ambiental del Agua de Michigan, Estados Unidos

Sun, 06/08/2006 / Wed, 09/08/2006

This conference will focus on stewardship issues relating to the maintenance of infrastructure with emphasis on those discharges to the Great Lakes. Collection systems are a huge community investment, and operators must maintain them with proper stewardship to maximize their use and minimize the cost of operating and maintaining them.
The main topics of this conference are:
• Great Lakes issues
• wet weather control technologies
• system operation and maintenance
• workforce
• public engagement

Federación Ambiental del Agua (WEF), Estados Unidos; Asociación Ambiental del Agua de Michigan, Estados Unidos
(Detroit, Michigan, Estados Unidos)
Nancy Bauer