Workshop on Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality

Workshop on Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality

Sociedad de Conservación del Agua y el Suelo (SWCS), Estados Unidos

Wed, 11/10/2006 / Fri, 13/10/2006

The primary objective of this workshop is to bring together individuals in the technical and scientific communities who are working to quantify the environmental benefits of conservation practices on agricultural land at landscape and/or watershed scales. Environmental benefits include soil, water, and air quality; water conservation; and aquatic and terrestrial habitats. The workshop will be multidisciplinary, involving agronomists, soil scientists, biologists, ecologists, hydrologists, economists, sociologists, engineers, and others working to improve our ability to quantify the effects of conservation practices on soil, water, air, and habitats at landscape or watershed scales.

Sociedad de Conservación del Agua y el Suelo (SWCS), Estados Unidos
(Kansas, Missouri, Estados Unidos)
Mr. Jean Steiner