2nd International EWA Conference ‘Waters in Protected Areas’

2nd International EWA Conference ‘Waters in Protected Areas’

Asociación Croata para el Control de la Contaminación del Agua (HDZV); Asociación Europea del Agua (EWA); Asociación Internacional del Agua (AIA)

Wed, 25/04/2007 / Fri, 27/04/2007

This conference aims to present key issues, challenges and strategies, discuss the threats as well as the potentials of protected areas for the conservation and rational use of precious resources, the safeguarding ecosystems and cultural heritage and sensitize the public to these issues.
The following topics will be included in this conference:
• water management in national parks
• protected resources (groundwater and surface water)
• threats to islands and coastal zones
• water and wastewater infrastructure in ancient cities

Asociación Croata para el Control de la Contaminación del Agua (HDZV); Asociación Europea del Agua (EWA); Asociación Internacional del Agua (AIA)
( Dubrovnik, Croacia)
Croatian Water Pollution Control Society Secretariat