Water Finance and Investment Summit

Water Finance and Investment Summit

Asociados de Investigación Financiera (FRA), Estados Unidos

Wed, 08/11/2006 / Wed, 08/11/2006

Focused on the clean water supply and waste water treatment sectors of the water industry, this conference is designed to meet both the needs of water company executives and Wall Street’s newly emerging and rapidly accelerating interest in the water industry. The conference will examine high growth sectors, investment strategies, financing trends, and partnership opportunities. Important issues this conference will cover include:
• identification and analysis of growth markets
• regulatory update and key legislative initiatives impacting the water industry
• global market opportunities
• key financial considerations for success in the water industry
• water company executive presentations covering
• exploring public-private partnerships
• key opportunities for technology innovation in water

Asociados de Investigación Financiera (FRA), Estados Unidos
(Nueva York, Estados Unidos)
Victoria Crimmins

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