Integration4Water Workshop

Integration4Water Workshop

Proyecto Integration4Water (Proyecto para la integración de las tecnologías y la investigación sobre diferentes aspectos del agua)

Fri, 02/06/2006 / Sun, 04/06/2006

The workshops designed as a three-day activity are the key event of the ongoing EU FP6 SSA project Integration4Water that is aimed at stimulating the participation of the research teams from the New Member States (NMS) and Accession Candidate Countries (ACC) in the projects of the RTD Framework Programmes of the European Commission in the research area of ‘Water cycle including soil-related aspects’.
This event will be focused on the following three areas:
• climate change and water resources
• water resources management
• environmental technologies related to water and soil.

Proyecto Integration4Water (Proyecto para la integración de las tecnologías y la investigación sobre diferentes aspectos del agua)
(Varsovia, Polonia)
Izabela Ratman-Klosinska