Colloquium on the 150th Anniversary of the Big Floods of 1856

Colloquium on the 150th Anniversary of the Big Floods of 1856

Sociedad Hidrotécnica de Francia (SHF); Direcciones Regionales de Medio Ambiente (DIREN) de Ródano-Alpes, Centro y Pirineos Centrales, Francia; Asociación Francesa para la Prevención de Desastres Naturales (AFPCN)

Wed, 31/05/2006 / Thu, 01/06/2006

The extraordinary risings and floods of May - June 1856, due to an alternation of downpours of oceanic and Mediterranean origin, concerned mainly the Loire and Rhone basins and their affluents, and certain affluents of the Garonne and the Seine River. The Pô and the higher Rhine River also had some floods.

Sociedad Hidrotécnica de Francia (SHF); Direcciones Regionales de Medio Ambiente (DIREN) de Ródano-Alpes, Centro y Pirineos Centrales, Francia; Asociación Francesa para la Prevención de Desastres Naturales (AFPCN)
(Paris, Francia)
French Hydrotechnical Society (SHF) Secretariat