3rd Iberoamerican Congress on Erosion and Sediments Control

3rd Iberoamerican Congress on Erosion and Sediments Control

International Erosion Control Association - Iberoamerican Chapter

Wed, 09/08/2006 / Fri, 11/08/2006

Soil erosion has become one of principal environmental problems to face during this century. The eroded soil, result of the oil, gas, mining and urbanization activities can eventually be transported as sediment towards water bodies, producing its direct pollution (turbidity) or indirect pollution (pollutants absorption), and sedimentation problems, what limits human uses and ecological functions.
Some of the topics that will be analyzed during this congress are: erosion control and sedimentation in rivers, erosion problems in river banks and channel’s sedimentation.

International Erosion Control Association - Iberoamerican Chapter
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Maria del Pilar Jimenez