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2nd INPIM International Capacity-building Programme in Participatory Irrigation Management and Irrigation Reform
2nd INPIM International Capacity-building Programme in Participatory Irrigation Management and Irrigation Reform
Red Internacional para la Gestión Participativa del Riego (INPIM); Obras Hidráulicas Estatales (DSI), Turquía
Sun, 18/06/2006 / Thu, 29/06/2006
The course is aimed at the faculty of training institutes or consultants who are involved in water-user associations (WUA) capacity-building, WUA managers, policy-makers, and NGOs or Government/Irrigation Agency staff who work with WUAs. The purpose of this course is to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of WUAs, and at the policy level to support and strengthen the implementation of national Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) programmes.
Red Internacional para la Gestión Participativa del Riego (INPIM); Obras Hidráulicas Estatales (DSI), Turquía
(Izmir/Menemen, Turquía)
INPIM Secretariado