CIWEM Conference on Integrated Urban Drainage

CIWEM Conference on Integrated Urban Drainage

The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)

Wed, 10/05/2006 / Wed, 10/05/2006

The effective drainage of urban areas is needed both to reduce the risk of flooding to land and properties and to prevent the inappropriate discharge of waste waters causing pollution. The conference aims to bring together policy-makers, environmentalists and practitioners to review these and other issues. It will provide an opportunity to discuss how to develop plans and implement effective, long-lasting and sustainable solutions.
Key objectives of the conference are to:
- emphasize the need for Integrated Urban Drainage (IUD) for both surface and foul waters
- review examples of good practice
- understand the institutional barriers that may be preventing cooperation between stakeholders
- discuss actions to overcome existing barriers and to facilitate the implementation of IUD throughout the UK.

The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)
(Londres, Reino Unido)

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