2nd National Water Education Conference 'From the Waters Edge to the Red Centre'

2nd National Water Education Conference 'From the Waters Edge to the Red Centre'

Asociación Australiana del Agua (AWA)

Tue, 18/04/2006 / Fri, 21/04/2006

The conference streams are broad and holistic to encourage interaction and the sharing of ideas across a diverse range of education areas. The conference will cover the different aspects of water education in the following three themes:
• Going with the flow or leading the way? This theme will focus on two areas: water education and how it relates to the ‘big picture’ for sustainable water management and raising the profile and importance of education in organisations.
• Creating a climate of change: water education programmes and initiatives which range from awareness raising to behaviour change outcomes.
• Making a splash!: How to deliver and/or evaluate effective education programs and initiatives.

Asociación Australiana del Agua (AWA)
Corinne Cheeseman