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World Wetlands Day Conference: Landscape Scale Wetlands - Developing Visions
World Wetlands Day Conference: Landscape Scale Wetlands - Developing Visions
Gestión Costera para la Sostenibilidad (CMS); Asociación para la Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos y el Medio Ambiente (CIWEM)
Wed, 01/02/2006 / Thu, 02/02/2006
The aim of this conference is to explore how policies and plans recognize the scale of the challenge and can be harnessed to enable the creation and restoration of wetlands. This conference is prompted by the initiation of the Water and Wetlands Vision for England project. The World Wetlands Day conference 2006 will focus on how this major challenge can be tackled throughout the UK.
Gestión Costera para la Sostenibilidad (CMS); Asociación para la Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos y el Medio Ambiente (CIWEM)
(Reino Unido)
Bob Earll