Ecological Sanitation Symposium

Ecological Sanitation Symposium

Orden de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Siria (OSEA); Universidad de Damasco, Siria; Cooperación Técnica Alemana (GTZ)

Sun, 11/12/2005 / Tue, 13/12/2005

This symposium will focus on the following topics:
• water resources and wastewater situation in Syria
• ecological sanitation
• selected technologies for small and middle size sewage treatment systems
• use of wastewater, excreta and sewage sludge
• advantages of ecological sanitation
• discussion of eco-sanitation needs and applications for Syria, further steps, identification of activities and capacity building
• discussion of Syrian water and wastewater politics.

Orden de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Siria (OSEA); Universidad de Damasco, Siria; Cooperación Técnica Alemana (GTZ)
(Damasco, Siria)
Barea Abdeh