4th Dams and Development Forum Meeting

4th Dams and Development Forum Meeting

Proyecto Presas y Desarrollo (DDP)/Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA)

Thu, 06/10/2005 / Fri, 07/10/2005

This meeting will be structured into 5 plenary sessions aimed at providing avenues for discussing relevant issues concerning dams and development and DDP outcomes. Some of the key topics to be discussed include the following:
• Review of the outcomes of recent and future relevant international meetings, including the 13th meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development (April 2005), the Millennium Development Review (September 2005) and the 4th World Water Forum (March 2006), assessing their impact on the dams and development debate
• National/regional multi-stakeholder dialogue experiences on improved decision-making and the planning and management of dams
• Compendium on relevant practices for improved decision-making, the planning and management of dams, as well as their alternatives.

Proyecto Presas y Desarrollo (DDP)/Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA)
(Nairobi, Kenia)
Dams and Development Project (DDP)