2nd TUNZA International Youth Conference

2nd TUNZA International Youth Conference

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA); Centro para la Educación Ambiental (CEE), India

Wed, 12/10/2005 / Tue, 18/10/2005

This conference is one of the key activities under UNEP's TUNZA (which means ‘to treat with care or affection’ in Swahili) long-term strategy for engaging and involving young people in environmental activities and in the work of UNEP.
About 150 youths between the ages of 15-24, will come from all over the world to discuss their role in environmental decision-making. The main theme of the conference is ‘The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and cooperation among youth organizations’. This conference will mainly focus on the MDG goals: fro eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, promoting gender equality and empowering women, and ensuring environmental sustainability

Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA); Centro para la Educación Ambiental (CEE), India
(Bangalore, India)
Theodore Oben